St Roberts Parent Teacher and Friends Association (P.T.F.A)
The P.T.F.A is a group of volunteers made up of parents and carers of the children at the school, members of the local community and the teachers who work at the school. They give up their time to help organise special events for St Roberts First School, bringing the children, families and the parish community together.
What do we do?
We work to raise money in a variety of ways including the Summer Fair, November Nutty Night of Nonsense, Beetle Drive, Ceilidh and Christmas Market. The money directly benefits all of the children in the school. We subsidise parties for the children and provide funding for additional school equipment (the luxury items the school budget doesn’t always stretch to). Over the past 2 years we have helped purchase a new reading scheme for Key Stage 1 and 2, provided £400 worth of activities, toys and games for Golden Time, as well as funding for new play ground equipment to mention but a few.
We try to raise the money in fun ways to provide enjoyment to both children, families, carers and the parish community. We work to support the school within the community and encourage the community to support us.
What could you do?
There are lots of things you can do, from simply spreading the word about our website to actually being a part of the P.T.F.A.
We always need volunteers to provide help with fundraising events, new ideas, skills that could benefit the children or assist at events. We have a Committee in place which comprises of representatives for each year group so you do not have to sign up to attend every meeting or help at every event. Any amount of time, donations for raffle and tombola prizes, attending events and supporting your child with fundraising events are all ways you can help support the P.T.F.A and their fundraising efforts. The main thing is making a decision to contribute or help in some way to help make our children’s experiences at school as memorable and enjoyable as possible.
What next?
If you are interested in becoming involved in the P.T .F.A either come along to one of our meetings or speak to one of our Committee members. New members are always welcome to help continue the good work.